This is a guest post from the JPF family by published author, G.P. Gottlieb.
All stories written by Reuben Salsa (every Thursday, 8 am Auckland time) are for paid subscribers only. Guest posts will remain free and posted every Sunday and the occasional Tuesday (8 am Auckland time).

Dear Clueless, Idiotic, and Obnoxious Israel Haters
Nothing to see here, just keep scrolling (especially you, Ken)
You might be unaware of the hostage deal — it started on January 20th, 2025. Three young women (Romi Gonen, Emily Damari, and Doron Steinbrecher) who’d been held captive in horrifying conditions for 470+ days in Gaza were just exchanged for 90 criminals, all imprisoned for actions that led to the deaths of innocent people.
Why would Israel do that? Because we are required to free our captives. Did you know that about Judaism? Probably not, but Hamas did. That’s why they kidnapped babies and children, young women dancing at a festival, and old people from their beds. Hamas won’t ever get that chance again.
As I’ve stated many times, I do not wish to argue with silly reasoning. In addition to making contributions to pro-Israel causes in the name of those who spread anti-Jewish blather, I also like to use poorly written essays like yours as a basis for one of my own. Here is my answer to a fellow named Ken’s most clueless, idiotic, and obnoxious statements:
CLUELESS: “Nobody hates you and nobody has an issue with you happening to be Jewish. I don’t hate you personally either.”
Kenny, you are wrong and apparently unaware of the huge uptake in antisemitic incidents around the globe. You do not understand why our synagogues require ARMED GUARDS, our students sometimes require police escorts. Nice that you don’t personally hate me (although it wouldn’t bother me), but there are way too many people who’ve bought into the same pro-terror narrative that blames Israel and Jews for the ills of the world.
IDIOTIC: “And it’s not “pro-terrorist” to question the pointless, brutal futility of Israel’s years of war against Gaza, in which everything has been effectively destroyed to in a fight against a group most Gazans are too young to have voted for or and which most Gazans have no ability whatsoever to remove- or have any reason that anything will get any better for them if they do, since the Israeli government wants to keep brutalizing all innocent Gazans until they leave and Israel can annex Gaza.”
Kenny, Kenny Kenny — guess you never learned that all Jews left Gaza in 2005, and Gazans voted Hamas as their leaders in 2007, after which Hamas was free to build WHATEVER IT WANTED in Gaza. There was no war with Israel, which thought that its border crossings prevented the import of weapons and materials. Israel was wrong and Hamas built 400 miles of tunnels plus enough weapons caches and rocket launchers to attack Israel for over a year. You also seem unaware that Israel (except for a few right-wing crazies) cannot wait to leave Gaza much the same way that Egypt felt when it handed Gaza over to Israel in 1967.
OBNOXIOUS: “Nobody in these comments actually supports Hamas- and it’s not as though the only options are support of Hamas or support of Netanyahu’s endless slaughter campaign.”
Come on Kenny, have you not heard protestors screaming in support of those “freedom fighters,” you know the ones that tortured, burned, raped, kidnapped, and murdered innocent children, women, and elderly, and attacked kids dancing at a festival? Although Netanyahu is not my favorite prime minister, accusing him of slaughter is disinformation based on propaganda.
You seem unaware of Hamas shooting rockets into Israel all year, only stopping now that Israel is trading 3 innocent female, elderly, and child hostages for 90 murderers. Hamas has been clear about its plan to destroy Israel, a democratic country. Israel has made it clear that its goal is to destroy HAMAS, a terrorist group. Israel has done more than any other country to avoid bloodshed, but Hamas WANTS its people to be pawns, hides among them, fires from within their schools and buildings, and has been caught preventing them from escaping harm.
You’ve just lost your chance to have any further dialogue with me, but if you want to be treated as someone who knows whereof they speak, you’ll need to do some reading of actual history, Ken.
You seem to think that Israel had a choice about responding to the war that Hamas started. If you understood anything about the Middle East, you’d know that had Israel not retaliated after the brutal Hamas massacre, Israel would have been destroyed. Do you know what would have happened if Hamas stopped shooting rockets, bombing Israeli cities and towns, and ended its terrorist incursions? That’s what peace would look like.
Why would you want another terrorist-led country whose leaders use their citizens as pawns? Hamas is evil, has no regard for the freedom or dignity of its people, and has only one goal, to destroy Israel.
Israel has one goal; to survive.
Don't you just hate it when ignorant people try to teach you history!
Excellent, Reuben. I might have written this myself. The solution to Israel releasing murdering terrorists to take another shot at Israel is simple. Take no prisoners. Dead terrorist Muslims do not require incarceration, or refrigeration.