This is a guest post from the JPF family by published author, G.P. Gottlieb.
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18 Questions to ask a Jew/Zionist/Israel Hater
For all those who agree that Israel has a right to exist, here are some questions to ask of the current crop of those loudly and widely vilifying Jews and Israel. They’re not the first to spread nonsense and conspiracies, because we are an ancient people, born thousands of years ago in the land of Israel. But now they have social media, and many of them are bots and trolls. They also tend to be rude and obnoxious, but don’t let them intimidate you. You’ve got truth, freedom, and democracy on your side:
1. Why haven’t any neighboring nations allowed Gazan refugees into their countries, even just until there is a ceasefire? Why doesn’t the world help Gazans flee a war zone (for a war started by their leaders)?
2. How hard would it have been for, say, Egypt (which built a wall to prevent Gazan refugees from entering), to allow Gazans into the Sinai desert, away from Israeli rockets and from Hamas tunnels built directly under their homes, mosques, and hospitals?
3. What about other Arab nations that refuse to offer visas, even temporarily, to Gazan citizens — why haven’t they tried to save some of those poor women and children? Are they hoping that more Gazans get killed so the world will be angrier with Israel?
4. Why are some people arguing that Hamas didn’t carry out a massacre on October 7th and didn’t systematically rape and mutilate whoever they found, when Hamas worked so hard buying go-pro cameras for the terrorists and embedding journalists to prove that they did indeed carry out a barbaric massacre in Israel?
5. Why do some conspiracy theorists spread the lie that Israel itself (the army) mutilated, raped, killed, and kidnapped all those people on October 7th? Won’t that make Hamas leaders feel bad after all the trouble they went to?
6. When Israel attacks Gaza and kills terrorists who have hidden in highly populated areas or hospitals (Like the Shifa Hospital), why hasn’t Hamas been excoriated for putting its citizens at risk?
7. Why are Jew haters still blaming Israel for “disproportionate attacks” but not saying a word about the thousands of Hamas, Hizballah, and Houthi rockets attacking Israel from all sides? Is it because those rockets are only causing damage to building and crops, not killing enough Jews?
8. Are other Arab countries who are doing nothing to help end this war started by Hamas blind to the suffering of Gazans, or is it better to distract their citizens with the “Israel problem?”
9. Why do so many people living nowhere near Israel or Gaza feel free to weigh in on who (between two populations that claim historical ties to the land) is more deserving? Why don’t they consider the Druze or Bedouin populations? Do they also weigh in on Ukraine and who deserves to control the land? Hong Kong? What about African nations? Anything from the anti-Israel crowd?
10. Why won’t Hamas and the PLO agree to any ceasefire or peace plan that includes Israel’s continued existence?
11. Why are rational people accepting reworked but ancient blood libels against Jews and Israel? Is it possible that Iran’s masterful propaganda machine is working? How about insisting on the RED CROSS going into Gaza, first to check on the 120 hostages who have been deprived of food, water, light, and medical care since October 7th, and second to give the world a factual picture of the “food crisis” we’ve been hearing about for months.
12. Jews have prayed toward Jerusalem for over 2000 years since the destruction of our Temple in Jerusalem (exactly where the Dome of the Rock was built over 600 years later in 691–92 C.E.) and our expulsion from the land of Israel (in 70 C.E.). Why do some people expect us to accept new stories about occupying land that has been a part of our history (according to archeological, literary, and historical works around the world) for over 3,000 years?
13. If a terrorist group entered your country and raped, mutilated, burned, murdered or kidnapped every man, woman, and child it could get its hands on, is there any excuse you would accept? And what if the country that funded that terrorist group promised to go after Europe and America next?
14. Why isn’t the world calling for the return of the hostages still hidden in Gaza with not a single Red Cross visit, possibly suffering from starvation, sexual abuse, and miserable conditions? (Yup, asking this question twice.)
15. What if you were 2 degrees of separation from victims of that massacre or of hostages still being held, abused, sexually violated etc. –Would you want those terrorists to get away with their murders and kidnappings so they can keep trying over and over to destroy your people, your country (aka = commit genocide)? How would you feel about those chanting for the murderous “heroes?”
16. What if ignorant people around the world decided that the massacre was your fault, and they listed all the things your ancestors did that bothered them? Would you just let them take over, destroy your democracy, kill or kidnap all your fellow countrymen? Oh, but that’s probably not something you’ll have to worry about, is it?
17. What if INSTRUCTIONS found on some of the terrorists that attacked your country (on 10/7/23) said: “KILL AS MANY PEOPLE AND TAKE AS MANY HOSTAGES AS POSSIBLE?”
18. An answer, not a question: reminding everyone: AM YISRAEL CHAI!
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Here’s another question to as. If you are so worried about “occupation” why don’t you deed your home back to the Native Americans? If not, why not? What right do you have to be in the US?
None of the Pro-Hamas crowds could accurately answer. When I see women in their scarves SCREAMING in people's faces, I just lose it a bit. How no one has slapped these folks is a mystery. Praying for Israel day and night. The peace loving people are every bit as tough and badass as the Psychopaths surrounding them.