But then...the Pharoah had the hots for Sarah when she was in her 70s and Abram rode into battle in his 80s. Something doesn't add up with ages and I reckon it was a clerical error when the oral was first written or translated.
"God said to Abraham, 'Kill me a son'/Abe said, "Man you must be putting me on"/ God said "No"/Abe said "What?"/God said, "You can do what you want, Abe, but..."
But then...the Pharoah had the hots for Sarah when she was in her 70s and Abram rode into battle in his 80s. Something doesn't add up with ages and I reckon it was a clerical error when the oral was first written or translated.
From The Book of Dylan (Bob):
"God said to Abraham, 'Kill me a son'/Abe said, "Man you must be putting me on"/ God said "No"/Abe said "What?"/God said, "You can do what you want, Abe, but..."
...the next time you hear me come you'd better run."
Abe said "Where you want this killing done?"
God said: "Out on highway sixty-one"
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee Wheeeeeeeeeee
I'm starting to wonder if I bought the abridged version of the Bible...
Lol...I suspect many have.