Fourteen Signs You Are A Pro-Palestinian Jew Hater
Antisemitism checklist — how do you score?
I first published this list in December. While I abhor the Netanyahu government, I believe it is necessary to rid Gaza of all traces of Hamas. I do not know how restoration will work or how both sides will even get over this conflict. What I do know, antisemitism is on the rise (even if you take out the ‘criticism of Israel’ argument) and social media is amplifying this hatred.
Here is my list for you to chack yourself.
Have you become fully entrenched in your view that all things Israel is bad? Do you wonder why Jews can’t get along with their neighbors? Do you marvel at the Jewish propaganda machine and wonder why the spoilt chosen people can’t share their wealth? Do you secretly wish you were part of their elusive cabal that rules the world?
Maybe you view Hamas as Freedom Fighters.
To borrow a biblical tale, they are David to Israel’s Goliath and couldn’t possibly harm babies or do any of the other atrocious acts made up by the lying Jews. We can all see who the real bullies are, right? The Israelis started it and they deserved the backlash.
Airing your thoughts, and your right to an opinion has led you to being labeled an antisemite. That’s not true, it’s only the zionists and the corrupt Jews bankrolling the war that you hate. It’s unfair, to speak up for Hamas, a liberal regime that loves all people of the rainbow spectrum and promotes gender equality, has meant losing friends. That’s their loss, you know deep down what side is right.
Well, here’s a quick quiz for you.
If you answer any of the following with a yes, then undoubtedly, you are an antisemitic arsehole.
Do you instinctively assume that the Israelis are the ‘bad guys’ and the Palestinians are the ‘good guys’ — without any real understanding of the issues and history?
Do you use the term ‘genocide’ to describe what Israel is doing in Gaza, even though you’ve never actually checked the meaning of that term?
Did you remain silent while real genocide was taking place in other parts of the Middle East, with over a million people being killed in wars there over the past 20 years?
Do you view the terrorists who took part in the unprovoked attack of October 7 as ‘freedom fighters’, even though they murdered over 1,200 people in cold blood, raped dozens of women, beheaded babies, and are still holding over 100 hostages?
Do you accept the Gaza death toll being reported through the media, even though this number is completely unverified and comes from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry?
Have you called for an end to ‘the occupation’ — even though Israel had zero presence in Gaza between 2005 and 2023?
Do you believe that Israel practices ‘apartheid’ even though 20% of the population of Israel is Arab and these people have the same rights as all other Israelis?
Have you ignored the fact that the Hamas Charter calls for, first, the annihilation of Israel and every Jew in the world and then you (as a corrupt Westerner)?
Do you think this could all be resolved if only Israel would agree to give the Palestinians their state — even though Israel has agreed to this on multiple occasions and the Palestinians have rejected it?
Do you believe that the Jews are behind global initiatives to control the world even though such conspiracy theories border on the insane?
Do you refer to the Jews as ‘colonisers’ even though their historic ties and contemporary claim to the land of Israel are overwhelming?
Do you believe that Israel should ‘return the land’ even though no independent ‘state of Palestine’ has ever existed, in history?
Did you buy into the claim that Jesus was a ‘Palestinian’, despite overwhelming evidence that He was Jewish?
Do you feel defensive when faced with facts such as these?
BONUS QUESTION! Do you believe Hamas is tolerant towards the queer community? And they support equality for all races and religions and would stop at nothing to promote a just and fair society?
How did you do? Answers in the comments, please.
List by Ashley Church.
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And finally, The Rubesletter • by Matt Ruby (Vooza) is a Jewish comedian from NYC casting a witty look across the world.
F*ck all of my former friends who would score high on the Jew-hater list! I can’t believe I was ever friends with any of them.
Fu*l k Hamas, the leftist, the Jihadist, the cowards, the Qatari and IRGC!