This is heartening and helpful, thanks!

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Thank you, brother ????

If you really really loved your Muslim "brother" you would tell him that he is following a false prophet to hell. Judaism and Islam can't both be of the same God .

They are both so opposite, day and night different. One is compassionate, the other is bloodthirsty.

It's tragic that so many infidels fall under the spell of taqiyya. That's why Israel went to sleep and October 7 woke some in Israel up.

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Yes, the vast majority of Muslims are not violent extremists. You missed a point though. You mentioned that there are over 1 billion Muslims. Toward the end of your article you mention the 900 million who aren't extremist. By my calculations, that leaves 100 million potential extremists. Numerically, there aren't a lot of Muslims actually engaged in actual violence but they have a deep pool to draw upon and a large reservoir of supporters. I'd like to see a lot more rejection of this violence by Muslims in general. Not just a general rejection but a naming of names. I'd like to see the Muslim equivalent of excommunication by the imans. No safe harbors. Rejection of the calls to jihad. Root out the bad guys within the mosques. Muslims need to start taking this course amongst themselves. I want to see massive protests by the Muslim world against these terrorist groups. Shut down the money networks that fund them. Until I see that happening I'll find it hard to distinguish between the terrorist and the peaceful.

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I find it extremely disturbing that Muslims have not spoken out against the widespread anti-Jewish racism being expressed in America today - yet many Jewish people spoke out in defense of them when Muslims were being attacked.

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Generalizations about groups of people are sometimes wrong and hurtful. That being said, consider, as example, the case of the people of Gaza. They are not all Hamas terrorists; but, the majority voted the extremist Hamas as their government. The overwhelming of Gazans approve the October 7 massacre, as do their brothers ruled by the Palestinian Authority. Radical Moslems are committing violence throughout Europe. In the US, radical Moslems take over local government, hoping to install Sharia law. Even if the terrorist extremists do not comprise the majority, they do represent them. The majority remain compliant, and silent. Remember: Silence is consent. So, before you hug your Moslem "friend" consider the consequences, especially if you are a Jew.

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Perhaps “prejudiced” would be a better word, because muslims are not a “race”?

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Prejudice implies you are prejudging without knowledge.

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Noted. Thanks for the perspective. #notallmuslims. Otoh, I relate to the sentiments of ZeroGravitas33 and FreedomFighter. I would have a higher opinion of Islam if the peaceful 90% were speaking out against the violent, or potentially violent, 10%.

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100% agree.

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You give an important correction to much criticism of Muslims from the right. But are you being too sanguine about mainstream Muslims? Why do Muslims demonstrate in the millions against a depiction of Mohammed or a Quran burning, but where are the mass demonstrations against ISIS not being representative of Islam? The silence is deafening.

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Excellent point.

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We should all loudly condemn Islamic extremism, but who among the 900 million Muslims are speaking out against Islamic extremism? Until everyday Muslims denounce Islamic extremism we have a problem with Islam.

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I believe in the freedom of religion. I know that’s what America was founded on. As always I am led to think about your article but I’m having a hard time reconciling the topic in my heart. I know there are good Muslim people. I’ve read about them and I know how the people themselves suffer under the evil regimes just like we’ve suffered in our history under evil regimes. So, I came away from you article thinking you’re right. It’s the extremist we need to fight. Then I read how emboldened Muslims in the UK are calling for the natives, Brit’s to not walk their dogs. I’ve seen panels of people with Muslims there asking for Brit’s to not drink in front of them. I saw a waitress in the UK serving a Muslim couple in a restaurant and he hit her with a plate! Nothing was done to him. He wasn’t arrested and the police let her know whose side they were on. Here in the US I’ve read Shariah Law is allowed in parts of NY, why not, we recently found a Chinese police station in NY, why not Shariah law. It’s still America, right? In Texas they were trying to get Shariah law implemented. It was shot down. But for how long. Let’s face it all they have to do is get elected and it will be. So, what’s my point? The people demanding we adapt to them who are they? Besides being empowered by our corrupt empowered by our corrupt governments, having nothing in common with their culture are these people extremists. In New Orleans a couple was stopped by the police they asked the woman to remove her head dress for identification and her husband went nuts. If we moved to their country would they adapt to us? How can we ever live in peace when we are radically different. Their religion is false. It calls for murder of their own family. Murder of others that don’t agree with. Please correct me if I’m wrong because I want to be wrong! But they spit on the hostages bodies on October 7th, the regular Muslims, as they paraded them through the town. They have lowered the age to marry young girls in NY I believe. They are erasing our morals and values and next it will be we have to come under their laws. How can we live in peace? And if we protest our governments side with the newcomers instead of the people who are citizens. So, I started this stating I believe in the freedom of religion. I believe you should be able to worship however you want. But I don’t see how we will ever live side by side with such a barbaric religion that subjugates its people. It’s not racism. Every country they have ever entered has been chaos. That’s the real reason. Worship whoever you want but we have to all live by the same laws equally. You don’t get to change my country or the way I live including walking my dog. Sorry for the rant!

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This is a great recap. Following this debate I end up here with you

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You're not wrong...if all Muslims practiced to tbe letter of their law, as written in tbe Quran, then they would all look like Hamas and the other extreme goods. But there's interpretation, right? Just like there are extremes in interpretation with Judaism. I've broken bread with many Muslims and they have never wanted to kill me. I've traveled through Indonesia and many other Muslim countries and was always welcomed. The point is, we hear and see the extremes but rather the norm makes the news.

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I’ve read about a lot of good people who are Muslim. You’re a good person. I remain skeptical. I pray you’re right.

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1.9 Muslim population

Muslim persecute Christians in almost country

The average Muslim does not stand up to those you call extremists

Their silence makes them complicit in murder

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In your idealism, you prize coexistence, as we all do. Therefore, you were able to find anecdotal evidence of warm relationships with lovely Muslim friends and an interaction with a Muslim man who works in a synagogue.

The people you associate with may not be the norm in the Muslim street. Looking at the polling data of large groups, there seems to be far less evidence. Instead, there’s evidence of rampant antisemitism and acceptance of bizarre disinformation, like “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” The problem cannot be fixed without first being recognized.

The progressive Sunni countries that are fighting Islamist extremism, do so because they recognize the economic benefit of moving into the 21st century, which includes an economic relationship with Israel. They do not wish to become Yemen. Thinking that they fight Islamism because they have denounced Jew hatred, is misguided and dangerous. There are almost no Jews left in any of those countries for a reason.

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So your point is that out of a billion Muslims, NO MORE THAN 5% are likely to be terrorists or exhibit "Sudden Jihad Syndrome". That's good to know. And there ARE violent Jewish extremists who have, occasionally, gone off their rockers and started killing people. But the number is FAR LESS than even 1%. And while Christians used to suddenly erupt into religious violence, over the last few hundred years since the Reformation, that has been a fairly rare occurrence - IF we don't count the anti-Jewish pogroms in Russia, or the anti-Jewish murders of the Holocaust in Germany, or even the anti-Mormon murders in Nauvoo here in the United States.

But even with all of that, it would seem that Muslims, especially Wahabi Muslims, are the most violent and intolerant religion, and we Jews, here in the United States and elsewhere are wise to be cautious around them.

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Love the photos of the old synagogue—wow!!! How beautiful it was.

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I am not typically argumentative, but I find this a lofty notion (that I only wish could be true). Please read Masha Kleiner's substack article entitled "Islamaphobia? I plead guilty" and at the end of the paper, watch the inimitable Bridget Gabriel on YouTube: " The peaceful majority are irrelevant". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ry3NzkAOo3s

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Simply stunning

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Islam needs a reformation so that there are not hundreds of mullahs able to pronounce fatwahs in the name of their own individual idea of Islam. There is no "governing body" as in most. religions. Additionally, it is not simply a religion, it has become an ideology, and it also iencompasses government and judicial life. It is thusly culturally incompatible with Western culture and notions of individual and religious freedom. It is an ideology that is highly judgmental of others but cannot tolerate any criticism/judgement of its own actions. My issue is that as an ideology, when brought to Western countries, its practitioners, rather than integrating into their now host country and assimilating to Western norms, the requirement is that Western culture must accomodate them. That is not what they expect when Westerners go their countries.When Westerners go to them, we must behave according to their cultural rules. The same should be true in the West. We should expect nothing less. We can respect one another, we can peacefully coexist with one another, we can cooperate with one another, but we do not have to "love" one another or become the other.

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