"They have gathered in matching tents..."

Worth noting that everyone waited until spring to set these camps up. Where were the tents in January/February?

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Heather McDonald & Roland Fryer have debunked any aspects of police going after blacks above and beyond what would be the norm. Daniel shaver was executed by police as a white man by a white police man who did not get fired or prosecuted with his kids in the motel room next to him. There is a police problem, not a policing against black problem. It may be an over generalization but every overhyped black police interaction of the last 20 years has been shown to be misrepresentation.

The fall of Minneapolis documentary can help clarify any misunderstanding as to George Floyd's overdose.

Glad that you have escaped the activist mentality, though I am in agreement that issues need to be addressed.

Delete lawz on YouTube shows the overbearing power tripping impossible to please hypocrisy that the police are operating in with the qualified immunity and nearly zero consequences for their thug behavior

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Reuben, thank you so much. What a lovely, lovely endorsement!!

And so glad you’re here. These days we really need each other.

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Thank you so much for the shout out! I am beyond grateful to you and all our community here on Substack!

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Nice to read about this by someone who was there. Still, I think you overdid it in trying to point out redeeming factors, except for the obvious redeeming factor of the self-knowledge you gained from your experience.

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I think application of the Patriot Act once or twice on terrorist sympathizers would dim this happenstance.

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Needing a cause is one thing but if that cause turns into kids marching in the streets of Philadelphia PA holding Soviet flags chanting about death to capitalism and America, we need to stop it in its tracks. This is literally history repeating itself.

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I’m glad to read such an intelligent and articulate article from a young person who has seen the light. I live in WA, 38 miles from Seattle, I can say that Seattle has recovered, businesses have left and homelessness, drug use and defecting in the streets continue. Another beautiful city destroyed just as SF was. I’ve never been an activist only a responsible mother and nurse. I’m 70 years old. I experienced the 60’s, I understand how young people need a cause. As far as George Floyd it was the perfect storm after the racism Obama administration implanted in our society. George Folyd died of an OD and heart failure from years of being a junkie. When I saw the video of the arrest and he was “restless” couldn’t sit still in the back seat of the cruiser, I knew he was having trouble breathing. That’s a first sign of lack of oxygen, restlessness and agitation. I would say, he was in Pulmonary edema”, his lungs filling with fluid from cardiomyopathy as the result of his drug use. The worst possible position for him was down on the ground. His thrashing was because he was dying from lack of oxygen not from the police asphyxiation. Of course, I can’t prove it, I don’t need it. The race baiters have the example they need to continue with their hustling. We need strong leadership and tough love in this country to begin to turn society around.

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