Thanks for the recommendation. Much appreciated.

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While a mob of Jews killed Jesus, the Romans (perhaps the chief gentile nation at the time and symbol of Babylon to both Jews and Christians) dressed him up in feigned royal attire, and a crown made of barbs, and pretended to bow to him. The Roman Pilot called up to decide if Jesus should be crucified, placated the mob instead of listening to his own wife who said to have nothing to do with [executing] Jesus. The Romans nailed him to a cross, the Romans set a guard of soldiers. The Romans slaughtered countless Jews, Jewish Christians, and Gentile Christians in the first century alone. The Romans are rightly compared with Edom and Babylon because they are just as righteous.

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Fantastic article about the contradictions inherent in antisemitism...

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All Christians are not as you describe. If one reads the Scripture texts carefully and thoughtfully, it becomes clear that the Gentiles were just as deeply involved as any Jews. There can be no excuse or blame shifting.

I stand in complete solidarity with you, all Jews and Israel. I shed tears over the Holocaust. I stood before the U.S. Holocaust Museum's three-story wall listing all the villages and towns Jews were deported from. And just stood there a cried over the enormity of it all. The thought of it still staggers me.

Sadly, there are Christians who are so in name only. As is probably the same for any religion. I am not one of them.

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A little black humor helps on this tragic day. Thank you.

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Very well written. It seems people will come up with any type of excuse to hate Jews. Or anyone. But for Jews it’s sharp and particular. Maybe if people received a real education and had developed senses of critical thinking we’d be good. Hate is ever so easy to spread.

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Simple. Losers, every last one. I have yet to encounter a Jew Hater who is successful, confident, properly educated and living a good life.

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I think that can be said for every hater.

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Very well written. Tough day. The anger never seems to subside anymore.

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Has nothing to do g to do with your behavior…

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George Steiner wrote, (I'm paraphrasing)' that humans prefer to have many gods so they can pick and choose. Then came the Jews who said there was only one omniscient G_d. The enlightenment sought to erase G_d, but the existence of even one Jew is a constant reminder that G_d exists (and is still in charge).

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This was a beautifully-written article. Antisemitism has no place in discourse, anywhere, and I hope that it is soon banished from our collective consciousness. I particularly appreciate the subtle distinction you have made by referencing people who ‘hate Israel’, rather than calling them ‘pro-Palestinian’, because the two are not synonymous and one can be both for the people of Palestine and Israel. The continued threat posed by the far-right to Jewish people is disappointing and concerning, painfully reflective of the horrors of the 1940s. The ironies you illustrated so artfully at the end of your article are exemplary evidence of the contributions of Jewish people to society. This I am all saying as an irreligious person of Western European descent, I hope that’s alright though I’m not the target audience.

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Umm...I don't think it was the Young Republicans laying siege on campuses or tearing down hostage posters. The socially accepted neofacist anarchists in the Red/Green coalition scare me a whole lot more than some wanker incels with tiki torches.

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It’s tiresome, tbh.

If you want to talk about early Zionism, it’s impacts, politics, strategies and tactics, fine. If you want to talk about Israel as a sovereign nation, and it’s policies and tactics and ethics, fine.

You want to talk about Mossad and foreign entanglements, fine.

But conspiratorial Jew hatred, as if they’re behind everything that’s ever gone awry, is fucking old.

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Free palestine tho

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Sure...from who?

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from lockheed martin

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Boycott AMERICA!!!!

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that’s the spirit!!

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I enjoyed the post. Entering into the discussion - it was the Romans because they were in charge. The only Jews involved were the Sanhedrin, and I'm pretty sure the Romans killed all of them a few years after the crucifixion. It wouldn't matter if every Jew alive today was a direct descendent of that particular faction, anyway. All of our ancestors behaved really badly at some point in time and it's not necessary usually to go back 2000 years to find it.

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I grew up in a small southern town of 50,000 and there were quite a few Jews in town and I grew up with several, some my good friends. I have never understood nor condoned antisemitism. I believe in the right of Israel to exist since Jews heve been expelled from places since the middle ages. I am mostly conservative which is referred to in today's atmosphere as being "far right" , which I am not. In fact most conservatives I know are not against Jews at all, not because of religion and not because of politics. But from watching the pro Palestinian marches, I sometimes feel as if I am living in 1930's Germany, and I don't know how to stop it. I pray daily for the hatred to stop.

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John 10:18 No one takes it (His Life)from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.

Matthew 20:28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

As a follower of Jesus, I am reminded that no one took His life...He gave it as a ransom for many. Jesus said he gave up his life and no one took it from him. There were Hebrew leaders in the Sandhedrin (government) who wanted him dead. The Romans were more than happy to oblige. But God orders our steps... and no kingdom can rise or fall without his knowing.

There were many Hebrews who risked their lives in coming to crucifixion including all his disciples, who were Hebrews. His mother was there, friends were there. There was at least 1 Roman soldier who seemed to have remorse...

Matthew 27:54 "When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified and said, “Truly this was the Son of God.”

55And many women were there, watching from a distance. They had followed Jesus from Galilee to minister to Him. 56Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of Zebedee’s sons.

It was the Jewish disciples who were the 1st martyrs to tell the Gospel, the Good News, to others.

Nicodemus, a member of the sanhedrin and a Pharisee, helped Simon of Arimethea bury Jesus. In other words, Hebrews (Jews) did NOT kill Jesus.

To my Jewish friends, my life is more rich and complete because you are in it. Your enemies are my enemies. Evil must be confronted... and stopped. I have been taught to pray this prayer of blessing:

Numbers 6:22 Then the LORD said to Moses, 23“Tell Aaron and his sons: This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them:

24‘May the LORD bless you and keep you; 25may the LORD cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;

26may the LORD lift up His countenance toward you and give you peace.’ 27So they shall put My name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.”

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